Thursday, October 26, 2006

A simple slimming program

Here is a 2-steps simple slimming program, which costs nothing to implement. A local celebrity (cannot disclose name without permission) adopted it and achieved excellent results.
Her program consists primarily of:
· Controlling food eaten selectively
· Through exercises, i.e. Doing quick walk everyday

5 excellent ways to control the food we eat:
1. Control the intake of high fat food such as deep fried food, buttered food. Don’t eat these stuffs any more.
2. Among our everyday food, cereal based food (eg. rice, noodle and junk food etc) have high carbohydrate content; avoid them as much as possible.
3. Reduce the intake of sweetener, Sweetener burns fast during metabolism, but if left unassimilated completely in the body, it will be easily converted into fats.
4. Do not take any tit-bits after dinner. If you must, take it in the morning because nut based food are rich in protein you will not feel hungry after eating them.
5. No super at night. If you are really hungry, eat some well-soaked vegetables. Beside, you may eat food like kidneys, rice vermicelli and rice strips at night. These are almost calories free, but take care in order not to use too much oil.

She also suggests this: for breakfast – take some low-fat, defatted dairy products, you may also take small amount of cheese or cereal and half an egg. For lunch – take suitable amount of meat, fish is the best choice here, the ideal amount is about 150g. Then take 250g of vegetables, some tomato and gourds, but do not fry or cook with excessive oil.

Slimming through walking:

Purpose: We all know for sure that quick walking will help to use up the fat in our body, but do you know that by doing quick walking persistently everyday, your buttock will become firm and full within one month, and also helps to correct your body posture.

Results: If you persisted in walking briskly on your way to office and to home, it will burn off fats and lift your buttock at the same time, making it to become firmer and with more spring in it. It is due to the fact that while you are walking briskly forwards, it causes buttock muscles to move and strengthens them. Persisting to do it everyday, your buttock will be lifted visibly within the short span of one month, achieving the result of a perfect figure, and helps to reduce weight.

Practical operations: You may do it as many times as you wish, but must persist for more than 10 minutes each time. Keep both thighs as close as possible and walk quickly in a straight line, and you will achieve the result of lifted buttock and slim body within a short period.

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